Blessings to All Y’all People of Conscience,
This is our first newsletter since March. We apologize for the gap in communication and know you’ve been eagerly awaiting an update! In general we prefer to err on the side of “less is more” when it comes to outreach, but this note is definitely overdue. As per usual we’ll share some new content, recent goings on, upcoming engagements, and best ways to keep in touch.
Please consider registering (QR code below) as we team up with Connecting Cultures for Peace for Rise High: A Social Justice Concert. It will be via Zoom on the evening of 9/11-- a date that we know is laden with depth, meaning, and significance for us all. Please consider sharing this concert with others that might appreciate the chance to join us.
In terms of new content, we’ll have major updates here as we return to the recording studio in October/ November. We’re excited to bring together a top notch team to produce some awesome recordings of some of our, as yet, unreleased material. Having said that, we’ll offer two pieces of content here.
First, we note with heavy hearts that earlier this summer the Atlanta faith community and the world bid farewell to one of the greatest of all civil rights leaders: Christine King Farris, sister of Martin Luther King Jr. Melvin was honored to sing one of her favorite songs, “Through it All” at her funeral. Christine King Farris so loved this song that she used it as the title of her memoir. Here’s a video of that sacred moment.
As a second piece of new content we’re attaching a short feature article from Shalom Y’all, the quarterly publication of the Goldring/ Woldenberg Institute of Southern Jewish Life. We were honored to be the featured artists at the Mississippi Freedom Seder in Jackson, Mississippi. This event, hosted by the ISJL as well as the Two Mississippi Museums, honored the past, present, and future of civil and human rights leadership in Jackson and beyond. The article chronicles our time in Mississippi. Melvin is a Mississippi native and it was Micah’s first time being immersed in Mississippi culture and history.
In addition to the Mississippi Freedom Seder we also participated, for the 2nd time, in the American Jewish Community’s Unity Seder in Atlanta. A highlight there was singing Praying with our Feet while being accompanied by the Atlanta Youth Choir. Wow can they sing! And even more, it’s so inspiring to engage with young people who believe in social causes and are working to make the world a better place.
Later in spring we found ourselves at the Community Synagogue of Rye in Westchester County, NY. We love sharing our music and message as artists-in-residence, and were overwhelmed with the warm embrace we received in this diverse, thoughtful, and intentional community. Micah also had a chance to reconnect with several beloved rabbi friends and their families.
A highlight of Spring/ Summer was the chance to share our music and message at the One America Movement Summit which took place in Atlanta. One America is an organization that we should all be aware of. They’re working hard to build bridges to help make sure that we all remember that we have more in common than we have that divides us. Their particular focus is on providing a safe space and resources for faith leaders to engage in this work.
In addition to these meaningful opportunities we had several other performance highlights including a performance at our local Lemonade Days Festvial in Dunwoody, GA, 3 hours of music making at our local Sandy Springs Farmers Market and a patio gig at one of Atlanta’s finest restaurants: Woods Chapel BBQ, and a return visit to Washington Hebrew Congregation for Juneteenth Shabbat where we met, among others, a descendant of Frederick Douglass.
With each and every engagement we are making new friends, finding new allies, gaining new insights, and better understanding our role in helping create and strengthen a movement of People of Conscience.
8/28/23-- We are honored to share our music and message at Cafe Europa. Cafe Europa is a monthly gathering of Atlanta area Holocaust survivors. In addition to sharing our music and message we embrace the opportunity to have lunch with this sacred group of people to hear their stories and get to know them.
9/11/23- We will be offering a zoom concert and conversation at the invitation of an organization called Connecting Cultures for Peace. This will be in the evening and open to all (registration info to follow). We will certainly acknowledge the anniversary of 9/11 as well as the spiritual themes of the Hebrew month of Elul, the month leading up to the Jewish New Year.
9/17/23 (6:00- 8:00pm)-- We will be back at Woods Chapel BBQ just as Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year) is beginning. In our opinion, Woods Chapel BBQ is worth a trip to Atlanta so come on down! Pet friendly. Family friendly. Great food.
11/3-5/23-- We will be artists in residence for a Shabbat retreat hosted by the Center for Small Town Jewish Life based on the campus of Colby College in Waterville, Maine. If you live in the area please come on out! If you know someone in the area send them our way!
1/12/24-- MLK Shabbat at The Temple. Join us as we sing along with the combined choirs of The Temple and Ebenezer Baptist Church at this annual highlight. You can likely anticipate an inspiring sermon from Rev. Dr. Raphael Warnock.
1/19-21/24-- We will be artists in residence at Temple B’nai Jeshurun in Short Hills, NJ. If you live in the area we’d love for you to join us. It’s our first foray into what we believe is the greater NY metro area.
1/26-28/24-- We will be artists in residence at Holy Blossom Temple in Toronto. It’s our first foray into the “True North” and our first international venture. We’d love to see you there.
Send us a note, come to ATL, invite us to come hang with your community, and feel free to connect online as well: FB-- @WeAreLapidusAndMyles and IG: Lapidus&Myles. YouTube @lapidusmyles
In the meantime, many blessings, peace, and love.
Till We Meet Again,
Micah & Melvin (Lapidus & Myles)